SITEX® ST couplings

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SITEX® ST couplings are fully manufactured in high quality steel. They are made of 1 or 2 geared hubs which are coupled with one sleeve through which the torque is transmitted. The special OPTIGEAR profile allows very high torque transmission and the compensation of axial, angular and radial misalignment (only in the version with 2 hubs). The maximum recommended working temperature is -10 °C a + 80 °C.

  • OPTIGEAR profile
  • Interchangeability
  • The most compact solution
  • Special executions
  • Corrosion protection

SITEX® ST couplings available executions

C execution Standard type with 2 hubs and one sleeve

Giunti Sit Sitex ST C

Allows for axial, angular, and radial misalignment. Long hub version also available. Offers compact, powerful design, and easy assembly.

CV execution Standard type made of a single hub and one sleeve

Giunti Sit Sitex ST CV

It is also available in long hub execution. Offers an economical solution to an application without radial misalignment.

CF A-B-C (AGMA) execution Flanged type made of 2 semi couplings

Giunti Sit Sitex ST CL Agma

Flanges dimensions are according to AGMA standards (type A-B-C). They will fit any AGMA standard half.

CF D-E-F execution Double-cardanic crowned gear coupling

Giunti Sit Sitex ST CF

Allows for axial, angular, and radial shaft misalignment.

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