PVC and PU Conveyor belts

Home 9 Products 9 PVC and PU Conveyor belts


Polyester bands with PVC Transport applications in general.
Food grade FDA-EU resistant to oils and fats. Different hardnesses and engravings adapted to the different possible applications.
Polyester belts with PU More demanding applications.
Food grade FDA-EU with antimicrobial characteristics. Possibility of sealed edges.
Metal sector with different anti-cut qualities and capacity for artificial vision.
Polyester belts with NBR Applications where resistance to wear and abrasion are a priority
Polyester belts with Silicone Highly demanding food applications. High temperature, adhesive materials, etc.
Need for a high coefficient of friction.
Felt bands Anti-cut capacity and resistance to high temperatures.
Possibility of applying the vacuum technique without machining.
Endless belts (without splicing) Multiple applications where the union of the belt generates operating problems.
Continuous weighing-labelling machines.
Chemically aggressive products.
Artificial vision
Metallic bands Transport of products at high temperatures
Aramid bands Resistance to high temperatures and friction.

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