Thrust Ball Bearings

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Thrust ball bearings can handle axial loads only. Bearing rings mounted on the shaft are called shaft washers, and those mounted in the bearing housing are called housing washers. Both washers contain grooves for the balls. Thrust Ball bearings are of two types: single type which can support axial loads in only on direction and double type that can support bi-directional loads.

The central washer of double type thrust ball bearing is located in an axial direction by a shaft shoulder and sleeve. Thrust Ball bearings are not suitable for high-speed rotation since lubricant is expelled by centrifugal force. When used on a horizontal shaft, a minimum axial load must be applied. Pressed steel plate, polyamide resin, machined high-strength brass or mild steel are used for cages. Care must be taken in handling to prevent damage to the separable rings and ball assembly.

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