Pulleys and Belts – Falcon Pd®

Home 9 Products 9 Timing Belts drives 9 Pulleys and Belts – Falcon Pd®

Thanks to innovative construction materials enabling high torque transmission and reduced dimensions, FALCON Pd® is an ideal solution for designing new applications.

SIT manufactures a full range of pulleys suitable for any application.

Belt characteristics
  • Pitch: 8M – 14M
  • Compound: HNBR
  • Belt facing: layer of nylon fabric and high density polyethylene
  • Static Conductive (ISO 9563)
  • Temperature: -40/+95 °C (for short periods: -50/+130 °C)
  • Available FALCON Pd® timing belts in open end version with relative clamping plates.
  • Very high torque transmission
  • Outstanding tensile strength for ultra-high performance
  • Reduce operating noise levels
  • Excellent oil resistance

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