
Home 9 Products 9 V-Belt drives 9 V-Pulleys

V-pulleys according to DIN2211 – ISO 4183 (except C type ) suitable for standard application for use with the belt types SPZ – SPA – SPB – SPC (ISO 4184 DIN 7753/1), classical Z – A – B – C (ISO 4184 DIN 2215) and American Narrow 3V – 5V – 8V (RMA-MPTA).

Type of V-Pulleys

V-Pulley PT Solid Hub
Material: Cast Iron DIN 1691 GG20 – GG25

V-Pulley pulleys PBT for mounting SER-SIT® Taper bushing
Material: Cast Iron DIN 1691 GG20 – GG25

V-Pulley pulleys PCT oversized hub for Self Locking Units (SIT-LOCK® CAL 8)
Material: Cast Iron DIN 1691 GG20 – GG25

Our V-Pulleys can be used for application with a speed up to 35 m/s. the pulley dimensions are very accurate as they are manufactured by means of CNC or automatic lathes.

For higher speed it is strongly recommended to use steel as material of construction.

Our V-Pulleys can be used for application with a speed up to 35 m/s. the pulley dimensions are very accurate as they are manufactured by means of CNC or automatic lathes.

For higher speed it is strongly recommended to use steel as material of construction

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